Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Chrome Type equals none , changes not saved

Say you modify your web part to have the Chrome Type include the Title or Title and Border…you click OK and save. However you changes are not saved and Chrome Type still shows its previous setting.

This is either because the aspx page has the frame type hard coded in. This can happen if you have a custom web part, or you have a web part that you exported and then imported back in.

To fix this you can change the aspx page’s frame type line entry below.


Or it can be if you are on a List View. The chrome type is off or none on these since they assume the web parts are the list you are on. In those cases you need to create a web part page to use instead.


  1. Thanks! This was exactly the answer I was looking for. I added my lists to a web part page and problem solved. I love simple solutions! You saved me a lot of time. -S

  2. I've created a forms library and am then using a web part to show a collection of forms (Department = HR is in one webpart, Department = Finance in another, and so on.) The webparts lose their Chrome Type when I click OK...can you help? I'm left with 'dumps' of forms with no titles to show what they are! Thanks in advance!!
