Friday, April 15, 2011

How to customize the Access Denied page

How to I customize the Access Denied page?

You would create a new custom page using the existing pages as templates, then copy them to that same directory. Then use the Powershell command below to repoint SharePoint to it.

Set-SPCustomLayoutsPage -Identity AccessDenied | Confirmation | Error | Login | RequestAccess | Signout | WebDeleted> -RelativePath -WebApplication [-AssignmentCollection ] [-Confirm []] [-WhatIf []]

Here is the Microsoft article:


  1. We can also change this using code see

  2. Hello Linda,

    I try to create my own, simple, test custom Access Denied page, from scratch, using Visual Studio. On this page I only have two Literals. Problem is, when I deploy it and activate on WebApplication this page is show to me even when i click "Sign in as different user".

    Can you help me about this?

  3. Anmol: Of course you could with code, you can do most anything with code...the focus of my blog is always how to get the most of your product with no coding...OOTB (out of the box) ways. :)

  4. Linda

    Thank you, exactly what I was looking for. Knows what she is doing and she smokin' hot as well!

    Thank you
